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Health Begins Here!


We offer Coaching, Meal Planning, Healthy Recipes, and Support.


Check out our Prime Wild Crafted Sea moss Gels and Exotic & Organic Herbal Teas.


Exotic & Organic Herbal Tea Benefits

  • Reduced anxiety and increased resilience to stress

  • Reduced inflammation and pain

  • Improved sleep quantity and quality

  • Reduced risk of diabetes

  • Reduced risk of heart disease

  • Improves digestion

  • Improves weight loss

  • Improves mental alertness

  • Improves immune system

Hemp Tea

Sea Moss Gel

WILD CRAFTED SEA MOSS GEL is a species of red algae that grows near the coast line in rocky areas of the Atlantic coast. In its natural state, color varies between brownish-purple to greenish-yellow. Below we have listed

and explained our top ten reasons why you should be consuming sea moss regularly.

1) Promotes regular thyroid function- The thyroid is a gland found in the neck below the adams apple. This gland secretes hormones known as triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4). These hormones are known as T3 and T4 based on the atoms of iodine per molecule. T3= 3 iodine atoms per molecule, T4= 4 iodine atoms per molecule. These hormones have effects on the majority of the body's tissues and increase BMR (basal metabolic rate). Here are just a few examples of what the thyroid is responsible for:

  • Increases blood flow by directly increasing the rate and strength of the heartbeat.

  • Increases the growth rate of the developing brain cells in the fetus.

  • Increases the growth rate of young children.

  • Plays a major roll in thought patterns, sexual function, and sleep.

  • Regulates central and peripheral nervous system function.

  • Regulates menstrual cycle.

  • Controls cholesterol levels.

The most common cause of thyroid abnormalities is iodine deficiency. Iodine is one of the many minerals found abundantly in sea moss. By consuming sea moss regularly, you are directly feeding the thyroid.

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Irish Sea Moss Gel

 Sea Moss Gel

2) Improves metabolism- What we refer to as our metabolism is really the process of chemical transformation that occurs within our cells. After food is consumed, our metabolism is responsible for 3 functions:

  • Converting food into energy for cellular functions

  • Converting food into building and recovery elements for cells

  • Discarding waste after enough food has been processed for the above mentioned conversions

 3) Improves circulation- Filters out germs and other bacteria during blood circulation

 4) Boosts immune function- Sea moss is known to have antiviral, antibacterial, anticoagulant, and antimicrobial properties.

 5) Promotes digestive regularity- sea moss is known to ease many digestive issues such as indigestion, gastritis, ulcers, and constipation. It is said due to the jelly- like consistency of sea moss, it can provide relief to all inflamed mucus membranes by coating the intestinal wall and at the same time pulling toxins out of the body.

Sea Moss Gel

6) Suppresses appetite- Sea moss is a great appetite suppressant due to its high concentration of minerals and its nutrient density. Most of us experience the uncomfortable sensations in our stomach when we have not consumed anything for a period of time. This discomfort may be coupled with weakness and cravings. This is the feeling that we know as hunger. Today we have many companies that create products to assist in the regulation and suppression of this hunger.


Do your due diligence in researching what works best for you should you go that route. However, for the people that are looking to suppress their appetite in a more natural and healthier way, sea moss should be considered. When you process sea moss into gel form, it is easy to add as an ingredient with other foods and drinks.


Due to its jelly-like consistency, when sea moss is consumed it passes through the intestines and soothes any inflammation as well as remove any toxins. Sea moss consumed regularly will help to eliminate cravings and as a result, bring the body back to its natural weight based on your level of activity and nutrition.

 7) Promotes healthy sexual function- Due to the generous amount of zinc and other minerals that are vital for reproductive function and health, sea moss is great for anyone who desires an increased sex drive. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, sea moss promotes circulation throughout the entire body especially our reproductive organs.


For male readers who are experiencing difficulty with sex related drive, stamina, erection, and other abnormalities, then you should consider consuming sea moss regularly. For female readers who are experiencing a lack in desire, painful sexual experience due to dryness, feminine irritation, and anything else related to this particular topic, then a regular dose of sea moss may improve this situation.

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Sea Moss Gel

 8) Rich in vitamins and minerals- Sea moss is loaded with nutrients that are vital to the human body such as bromine, sulfur, calcium, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, beta-carotene, selenium, protein, pectin, zinc, vitamin-C and B-vitamins just to name a few.

 9) Recovery- Sea moss provides relief from muscle and joint pain. Whether you are a professional athlete, fitness enthusiast, or perform any kind of heavy lifting at work, sea moss can help replace the minerals that you deplete the body of when performing these activities.

 10) Skin- Used topically as a skin and hair toner and nourisher.

aside from internal consumption, sea moss can be applied directly to the skin. It works great on sunburn, dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. The best application we have discovered is what we call “The Sea Moss Soak”. To perform this soak, you simply fill up your bath tub with water and add the sea moss gel.

Flavors: Original, Berry Mix, Tropical Blend, Mango, Banana, Pineapple Coconut, Cranberry Ginger, Vanilla Cinnamon. Beet Celery Ginger., Orange Ginger Spice, Watermelon, Bladderwrack.


-Can be taken with any drink, smoothie or food daily

-Keep refrigerated and use within three weeks. Can freeze up to 3 months.

Burdock Root

Burdock root is a vegetable that’s native to northern Asia and Europe, though it now grows in the United States, too. The deep roots of the burdock plant are very long and either brown or nearly black on the outside.

Burdock root has been used for centuries in holistic medicine to treat a variety of different conditions. Traditionally, it was most commonly used as a diuretic and a digestive aid.

Now, researchers have discovered numerous potential uses and health benefits for burdock root. These benefits may be extensive enough to warrant using burdock root as a complementary treatment for certain conditions.

Burdock root benefits

1) It’s a powerhouse of antioxidants

Research from 2010 has shown that burdock root contains multiple types of powerful antioxidants, including quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids.

Antioxidants protect cells in the body from damage due to free radicals. They can help treat and prevent a number of different health conditions. The antioxidant action helps reduce inflammation. One 2014 study found that burdock root reduced inflammatory markers in the blood for patients with osteoarthritis.

2) It removes toxins from the blood

One of the most common traditional uses for burdock root has been to purify the blood. Recent evidence has found that burdock root can remove toxins from the bloodstream. A 2011 study found that burdock root effectively detoxified blood and promoted increased circulation.​

Burdock Root

Burdock Root

3) It may inhibit some types of cancer

Burdock root, as it turns out, may not only purify the blood. It may also inhibit certain types of cancer.

The 2011 study also found that burdock seeds had “potent inhibitory effects” on the growth of tumors caused by cancers like pancreatic carcinoma.

Another 2016 study found burdock root significantly interfered with cancer cell growth. While more research is needed to determine the full effects of burdock seeds on different types of cancers and tumors, this is still a significant finding.

4) It may be an aphrodisiac

Another traditional use of burdock root is as an aphrodisiac. A 2012 study on male rats found that the extract of burdock root had an aphrodisiac effect. The extract enhanced sexual function and increased the amount of sexual behavior in the male rats.

More research is needed on humans, but anecdotal evidence supports this claim.

5) It can help treat skin issues

Burdock root has long been used to treat skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of the root can help resolve skin issues when it’s applied topically to the skin.

One study from 2014Trusted Source even found evidence that burdock root may help treat topical burns.


Nutritional Value

bladderwrack has been used as a medicinal remedy for many long years. Bladderwrack is very rich in iodine and was a very early source of this important mineral.

Iodine is essential for thyroid health and treating numerous illnesses and is also an important part of a healthy diet. As well as iodine, it is a great source of natural antioxidants and minerals like beta-carotene and potassium, magnesium, calcium, and iron. Bladderwrack also contains mucilage, some of the B family vitamins and small quantities of vitamins A, C, K, and E.

Bladderwrack contains a number of active ingredients including the following:

  • Fucoxanthin

  • Fucophlorethol compounds

  • A number of Phlorotannins

  • Polysaccharides

  • Sulfur

Facts about Bladderwrack

  • Bladderwrack was the original source of iodine used for medicinal reasons. It was discovered back in 1811 and used mainly to treat goiter – a swelling of the thyroid glands linked to iodine deficiency.

  • Other common names for bladderwrack are rockweed, black tang, black tany, sea oak, bladder fucus, red fucus, rock wrack and cut weed.

  • Bladderwrack is distributed fairly widely. It can be found on North sea coasts, the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Baltic sea.

  • Bladderwrack has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, antioxidant and antibacterial properties.



Bladderwrack Health Benefits

1) For Thyroid Health

Back during the 19th century in the days before modern medicine, bladderwrack was used as the original iodine source for medicinal purposes. Iodine is absolutely essential for the health of your thyroid and to ensure that your hormones and metabolism remain in healthy balance.

Because bladderwrack is such a rich source of iodine, it can be used to treat a variety of thyroid conditions which help control your metabolic and hormonal balance. Bladderwrack essentially works by stimulating the thyroid and allowing it to produce sufficient hormones.

2) For Women’s Health

When it comes to female health, bladderwrack offers plenty of potential. Iodine is necessary if the thyroid is to do its job properly and produce sufficient hormones. This is significant in terms of women’s health as a lack of hormones can hinder ovulation.

Poor thyroid function during pregnancy can have a detrimental effect on both the mother’s blood pressure and mental function of the unborn child.

Another function of iodine its use for treating fibrocystic breast disease – one of the leading causes of breast cancer. According to studies, bladderwrack has a similar function to soy in regulating a female’s sex organs making it a safe alternative to soy.

The same study linked above found that bladderwrack helped women with a history of short and light menstrual cycles. Those who took 1.4g of bladderwrack each day experienced considerably longer periods. Moreover, women who took bladderwrack produced less estrogen but increased their levels of progesterone.

Progesterone prepares a woman’s uterus lining for fertilization each month. Without sufficient amounts of the hormone, they are unable to conceive.

Note however that there are safety concerns regarding bladderwrack during pregnancy and pregnant women should only take it under medical supervision.

3) For Inflammatory Conditions

Bladderwrack has natural anti-inflammatory properties and it has been used down the years to treat various internal and external inflammatory conditions. For people with painful joints caused by conditions like gout or arthritis, bladderwrack may be just what they need to ease the pain and move more freely.

Bladderwrack can also help treat inflammatory skin problems and hemorrhoids in a safe and natural way. Depending on the type of inflammation you are trying to treat, bladderwrack can be taken internally or topically applied to the skin.


4) For Digestive Health

We are all aware of the importance of fiber as it relates to overall health and digestive health in particular. Unfortunately, that does not mean that we take heed and get enough of it. Bladderwrack is a great source of several types of healthy fiber including a fiber called alginic acid. Alginic acid has a very beneficial effect on digestion.

It can add bulk to the food passing through the bowels help relieve constipation. It also improves nutritional uptake making the food we eat more beneficial to our bodies. Bladderwrack can also help ease bloating and flatulence while it is also considered effective for painful stomach cramps and gastric ulcers.

5) For Heart Health

According to research, bladderwrack can help increase the levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol in the blood. By improving your cholesterol, this healthful seaweed can protect the heart from many killer diseases like atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke.

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It may also have a knock-on positive effect on your blood pressure especially in people with hypertension which protects you from heart disease and means your cardiovascular system is put under less strain.

6) Fiber Content

Bladderwrack contains large amounts of a unique form of fiber called fucoidan. Fucoidan has been linked to a number of different health benefits including a reduction in cholesterol, reduced blood sugar and may even have anti-tumor effects.

Fucoidan helps to regulate the substance responsible for the reproduction if cells and their growth. In theory, fucoidan slows the growth of harmful cells meaning that it can hinder the proliferation of cancer.

7) For Obesity and Weight Control

As well as being high in fiber and possessing very few calories, bladderwrack can stimulate the metabolism making it a great way to lose weight. If your body is functioning at a higher level, it uses more energy and burns quickly through its fat reserves.

Some people say that bladderwrack helps you to feel sated and suppresses the appetite. This means that you will eat fewer calories throughout the day and in time….lose more weight.

Of course, there is no cure-all for obesity and simply adding one foodstuff to the diet is unlikely to have significant effects unless you use it as part of an overall diet and exercise plan.

8) For Better Vision

As we have already mentioned, bladderwrack is a good source of beta-carotene. This is an antioxidant pigment responsible for giving certain fruit and vegetables their rich colors. Beta-carotene is known to improve eye health and vision by neutralizing the damaging effect of free radicals on the eyes. It helps to slow down the macular degeneration that comes with aging and can prevent cataracts from developing.

9) Anti-aging

Bladderwrack has numerous valuable nutrients that can help you feel and appear younger for longer. It is also a great source of natural antioxidants which are known to help your skin’s appearance. Taking bladderwrack supplements can reduce the appearance of age spots, wrinkles, and other unsightly skin blemishes. It also helps to tighten the skin and keep it more elastic even as you age.

Not only do antioxidants improve your appearance but they also help to combat the damage done to your insides from the harmful free radicals we can’t help but encounter every day. Natural antioxidants of the type found in bladderwrack and many other natural products can protect against disease and even reverse the damage done.

10) For Diabetes

According to a study published in 2011, bladderwrack may be useful for people with diabetes. The study set out to evaluate the effects of brown seaweed and bladderwrack on glucose and also insulin levels following a meal.

How to Use Bladderwrack

Bladderwrack can be eaten both cooked and raw but it tastes very salty and most people use it sparingly in a soup or something similar. Y

What is Bladderwrack?

Bladderwrack is a common type of cold water seaweed very similar to kelp.

What is it Mainly Used For?

Because of it is high in iodine, it has been used historically to treat thyroid problems associated with an iodine deficiency. Today, it is still used for thyroid health but also for various other medicinal reasons including weight loss, digestive health, heart health and various inflammatory conditions.

Precautions and Side Effects

  • Bladderwrack is considered safe when applied topically but there are some safety concerns when taking it orally.

  • Make sure that you take any bladderwrack supplements under your doctor’s supervision.

  • High iodine concentrations may exacerbate existing thyroid conditions and excess iodine has been linked to thyroid cancer and goiter.

  • Bladderwrack may be unsafe during pregnancy or while nursing.

  • Bladderwrack might increase bleeding or bruising in individuals with pre-existing bleeding disorders.

  • For the same reason, it should be avoided in the weeks leading up to surgery.

  • If you are allergic to iodine..avoid bladderwrack.

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